How To Remove Calculus From Teeth?


Calculus, also known as tartar, is a hardened mineral deposit that forms on teeth. If left untreated, it can cause dental issues. While regular dental cleanings are vital for removing calculus, there are preventive measures you can take at home. This post explains what calculus is, how to remove calculus from teeth, and stresses the importance of professional dental care for its removal.

What Causes Tartar on Teeth?

Tartar, or dental calculus, is a common oral problem that can trigger dental issues if not treated on time. To prevent tartar from forming, it’s crucial to understand what causes it: 

Plaque Build-Up

The Primary Culprit: Plaque, a sticky layer of germs that forms on your teeth and gums, is the main culprit behind tartar development. If plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, it solidifies into tartar. 

Hardening Process: Plaque can start to harden within 24 to 72 hours, transforming into tartar. Once hardened, tartar requires professional removal by a dentist using special tools.


Sugary and Starchy Foods: These foods help bacteria in your mouth create plaque, which can damage teeth. Bacteria break down sugars and produce acids that create more plaque.

Acidic Foods and Beverages: Foods and drinks that are acidic, like soda or citrus fruits, can weaken the protective layer on teeth (enamel). This makes it easier for plaque to stick and harder to clean off

How to Remove Calculus from Your Teeth

Due to tartar buildup, removing calculus from teeth necessitates professional treatment. Unlike plaque, which is a soft layer of bacteria that can be removed with regular dental hygiene, calculus is plaque that has hardened onto the tooth enamel. 

Here’s how professionals approach it:

Professional Dental Cleaning

Tartar Removal: During dental appointments, dental professionals like dentists or hygienists use specialised tools to clean your teeth of tartar. They may use a scaler, a hand-held instrument, or an ultrasonic device that vibrates to loosen the tartar. 

  • This process is performed routinely during check-ups and is crucial for maintaining gum health and overall oral hygiene. 
  • By removing tartar, you prevent gum disease and keep your mouth in excellent condition.

Heavy Tartar Removal: For severe tartar buildup and gum disease symptoms, a specialised cleaning called scaling and root planing is often needed. Unlike regular cleanings, this procedure involves: 

  • Scaling: Removes tartar from above and below the gum line.
  • Root planing: Smoothes the tooth roots to promote gum reattachment and healing. 

This thorough cleaning may require multiple dental visits and, to reduce discomfort, a local anaesthetic may be used.

The Importance of Professional Cleaning

Professional teeth cleaning involves more than just removing tartar. Dentists use these appointments to evaluate your oral health, identifying early signs of gum disease, cavities, and other problems. Routine check-ups every six months are vital for maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing minor issues from escalating. 

Trying to remove tartar yourself can risk damaging your teeth or gums. Professional dentists have the proper equipment and knowledge to safely remove tartar without harming your mouth.

How to Remove Calculus from Teeth at Home

Tartar removal at home is impossible once formed, but you can prevent its growth and plaque buildup. 

Take these steps to promote oral health and reduce tartar risk:

Daily Brushing and Flossing

Preventing Tartar: Brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. Floss once daily to remove plaque and prevent its transformation into tartar. Plaque is initially soft and removable but hardens (becomes tartar) with neglect.

How to Remove Plaque from Teeth Naturally

Diet Choices: Eating crunchy fruits and veggies (e.g, apples, carrots, celery) as chewing helps clean teeth. These foods stimulate saliva production, which helps remove leftover food and germs.

Oil Pulling: An old practice involving swishing oil (like coconut or sesame) in the mouth for 15-20 minutes before spitting it out. It is supposed to remove bacteria from teeth and gums, reducing plaque. While some may find it helpful, oil pulling should not replace regular brushing and flossing.

Using Calculus Removal Toothpaste

Consistent Use: For the best results, brush twice daily with tartar-fighting toothpaste.

Proper Brushing Technique: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush for two full minutes, covering all tooth surfaces.

Additional Tips for Minimising Plaque and Preventing Calculus

  1. Use an Antiseptic Mouthwash: Add an antiseptic mouthwash to your daily routine to fight bacteria that cause plaque.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water to maintain your saliva levels, which cleanses the mouth and prevents plaque.
  3. Limit Sugary and Starchy Foods: Limit foods that feed bacteria in the mouth, as they produce acids that build up plaque.


Calculus removal at home isn’t recommended by professionals after it forms. Instead, prevent plaque and minimise its accumulation to improve oral health. Brush, floss, and get professional cleanings regularly to maintain a healthy mouth and avoid calculus formation. Healthy eating habits and natural cleaning methods can also support your oral hygiene routine.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to remove tartar from teeth without dentist?

No, it’s not considered possible or safe to get rid of tartar from teeth without consulting a dental professional. Once tartar takes place, it can only be removed safely and successfully by a dentist. Trying to remove tartar at home by yourself can potentially cause damage to teeth and gums. 

Is it safe to remove calculus from teeth?

Only if done by a dental professional or hygienist. They have special tools to safely eliminate calculus from teeth without causing any harm. Carrying out the removal process yourself can result in dental damage. 

What happens if calculus is not removed?

In that case, it can lead to several oral health issues, like gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. With time, these can turn into more serious health complications and tooth loss. Regular dental cleanings are important to upkeep oral health and keep calculus at bay.