Its important that you call us as soon as possible on 07 3325 2444 if you have a dental emergency – we will try our best to fit you in as soon as possible.

Please try to stay calm and follow the recommended steps below.
If you experience any of the below, or a dental abscess or lost filling or crown call us immediately for an emergency appointment.


Knocked out adult tooth

Time is of the essence – act quickly and you may be able to save the tooth.

  1. Try to locate the tooth and if it is dirty rinse gently in milk or saliva
  2. Only handle the tooth from the top, do not hold by the root and be careful not to remove any tissue fragments
  3. Gently place the tooth back into the socket and hold it there
  4. If the tooth will not replant in the socket, keep it moist by dipping it in milk or saliva, sealing it in plastic wrap or place it in the person’s mouth next to the cheek
  5. You must try and get an emergency dental appointment and bring the tooth with you.

Chipped, fractured, cracked tooth or toothache

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm water
  2. If swelling occurs use a cold compress on outside of your
  3. mouth or cheek
  4. Gently use dental floss to remove any food or fragments caught between your teeth
  5. Consult your dentist or pharmacist on over the counter pain medication
  6. Book an appointment to see your dentist so they can assess how serious the condition is

Bitten lip, tongue or cheek

  1. Clean gently with warm salty water
  2. Apply pressure to area using a cold compress to reduce bleeding and swelling
  3. If bleeding continues after 15 minutes visit the emergency room or your dentist

Preventing a dental emergency

  1. When playing sport wear a custom-made mouthguard
  2. Avoid using your teeth to open packaging or containers – always use scissors
  3. Avoid chewing on hard objects such as ice, pens and nuts









Oral Surgery



(07) 3325 2444

4/698 Albany Creek Rd,
Albany Creek 4035

Opening Hours

Mon – 8am-7.00pm 
Tues & Wed 8.00am – 5.30pm
Thurs – 9.00am – 7.00pm
Fri – 8.00am – 4.00pm
Sat – By appointment only